August 5th, Day 132, fasting for release:

So the diet has gone well again this week, only dilemma was a lunch party at work where i did indulge in too much Indian food yesterday. In exchange I agreed to skip dinner last night, and I’m fasting today, water only. I’d like to make this a regular occurrence, no food at all, one day per week.

I was supposed to get a release this weekend if I kept to my diet and set up a date night for Saturday. I had everything set up to get out tattoos and a fancy dinner and then come home and get released, but my mother was supposed to take the kids and canceled on us! If only she knee that she was preventing me from getting my wife’s name tattooed on me and getting my penis out for the first time in five weeks!
I think we have someone else lined up so we can still get tattooed, but the dinner and release seem to be off.

On an unrelated not I really wanted to get tan undershirts for under my dress shirts so my chest hair and nipples didn’t show through. They apparently don’t make these for men, so i ended up buying a womans shaping camisole. I’m wearing it today, and it feels great and makes me look slim and makes me feel girly, even though it’s very plain, doesn’t have lace, and has wide straps like a men’s undershirt. My wife actually liked the look of it on me, maybe I can use the desire for tan undershirts to introduce a little lace into my wardrobe.

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